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Hi, I'm Karin

I believe in the power of honoring your story

Learn to reconnect to self, rekindle your spiritual relationship, and reignite your passions.

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What I've come to learn is that if you truly desire change, you can always find a way to climb over, under and around obstructions and naysayers that stand in your way.

The KEY is knowing what you truly desire!


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Unearthing You

A journey to finding and nurturing your true self

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A Bit About Me

Why I do what I do...

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My healing and spiritual awakening journey has been an empowering and life-changing event. One that called me to share my story and to teach others how to achieve their life's desires and live their true self.

I work with women who are driven by the desire to live an empowered life, to dream the big dreams, and to focus on fulfilling their unique and divine destiny.

Why? Because there is nothing more empowering, more truthful and more honest than following your heart’s desire, being in sync with your truest self, and fulfilling your dreams.


But, to be in sync, we must first know who we are. Not by how others define us, but how we define ourself. We must learn to know and live by our values, to fully believe in our capabilities, and to accept our truths and failures as part of our story.

As a mindfulness and qigong teacher, my students have learned techniques for connecting to their inner gps, to being present in each and every moment, and to believing in themselves in order to live their greatest dreams and become their highest self.  

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